Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Composition Of Workforce Diversity Commerce Essay

The Composition Of Workforce Diversity Commerce Essay Within each and every organization, the composition of workforce diversity is being integrated into its human resource management (HRM). In this new era, the world is increasingly globalizing and since the advent of information technology, the borders of the world are drawn so closely than ever before. Theories of diversity management have been developed by business professionals and scholars (Saji, 2004), citing that a heterogeneous organization could create better HRM practices to maximize the benefits from a diverse workforce as well as improving their competitive advantages. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs will be discussed to further understand how employees basic need affects the HRM; and how workforce diversity could contribute to achieving HRMs strategic objectives. Diversity awareness allows for a better understanding of inclusive consumers needs, and provides access to better labour pools (Agocs Bur, 2000). Hence, an organization must be able to utilize the available skills from the workforce if it is to maintain competitive advantage and achieve success. Quality skill is an important resource and companies that seek to expand its position would require much creative strategies from its employees. The definition of HRM refers to activities undertaken by an organization to utilize its human resource effectively, therefore a firm especially those with a diverse workforce have to understand the needs of the employees first. As said by Maslows Hierarchy of Needs, any person, in this case any employee have to achieve the needs that are most essential before ascending the pyramid with higher need requirements. Every generation of workforce have different expectation from their working environment; such as those of the baby boomer era and that of th e late 1980s. In order to develop and maintain effective diversity policies, it is necessary that the firm allow all employees to participate in the diversity initiative. Leading organization with good HRM practices understand that the firm have to support their employees in acquiring knowledge of effective interaction and people management in a diverse workplace. They acknowledge the added values of an employee if they continue to acquire new skills in dealing and managing people. By managing a diverse workforce well, organizations are expanding their prospect to a more diverse marketplace. Instead of having a homogeneous workforce which shares the same backgrounds and perspectives, the result of having a diverse workforce is different viewpoints that would increase level of creativity and problem-solving ability. If firms want to compete to satisfy their clients, the businesses require a more diverse workforce in order to be more successfully understood and meet the needs of a rapidly growing ba se of minority clients. All diverse workforce need to overcome stereotypes or discrimination and recognize that actual dissimilar other have distinctive and valuable information that can sustain group processes and performance (Hartel, 2004). As the economies are shifting from manufacturing to service economies, diversity issue will gain importance since in a service economy effective communication and interactions among people are necessary to business success (Wentling and Palma-Rivas, 2000). Organizations are able to produce better ideas and more innovative solutions that can solve wide range of matters. Diverse workforce not only appeal to top industry talent, but it also attracts customer support from those who prefer to buy goods and services from such organizations (Hymowitz, 2008; Konrad, 2006). Managing diversity is more than just acknowledging differences of every individual. It involves recognizing the value of difference, preventing discrimination and promoting generality. Human resource managers might face challenges such as losses in workforce and work output due to prejudice or discrimination and criticisms and legal actions opposed to the organization. These issues can be obstacles to organizational diversity because they can dent working relationships, morale and work productivity. Negative attitudes and behaviours should never be practiced by management for employment, retention, and termination practices in the workplace because these include could lead an organization to costly lawsuit. Organizations with a diverse workforce can provide superior services because they can better understand customers needs (Wentling and Palma-Rivas, 2000). Therefore, this will indirectly increase customer loyalty and also translates into effective delivery of essential services to communities with diverse needs. Workforce diversity will bring a significant increase in innovation. A diverse workforce means a wider range of different background and perspectives which gives organizations a broader range of ideas and clearer perceptions in decision making and policy development while simultaneously improves service to clients as well because it reflects the local community therefore understand its clients better. Therefore, diversity is a good business model to adapt to. Besides, workforce diversity increase competitive management practices therefore they are more productive. Organizations that value and capitalize on employee diversity workplaces will attract and retain quality employees better. These translate into savings in recruitment and training costs, as well as maintaining corporate knowledge and expertise. Managing diversity can create competitive advantage. Diversity in the workplace can be a competitive advantage because diverse viewpoints can facilitate unique and creative approaches to problem-solving, thus increasing creativity and innovation, which in turn leads to better organization performance (Allen et al., 2004). Culturally diverse groups relative to homogeneous groups are more effective both in the interaction process and job performance; these benefits occur after a diverse group has been together for a period of time. Associates and employers can gain many benefits via workforce diversity. Associates are interdependent in the workplace, yet respecting individual differences can increase efficiency. Diversity in the workplace can avoid unnecessary lawsuits and increase marketing opportunities, recruitment, creativity and business reputation since discrimination and all other racial ideology is not being practiced in the organization. In an era when flexibility, creativity, speed are crucial to competitiveness, diversity is critical for an organizations success; its benefits are made for everyone who chose are in this line. It is a global moral necessity. Diversity strategic planning focuses on creating a measurable way that it can support the goals, objectives and strategic direction of the organization; while strategic level long-term development for diversity is a more recent expansion that focuses on plans that would span more than 5 years. Until quite recently diversity was not considered as an essential part of strategic planning, in the past diversity initiatives were often lacked specificity, poorly conceptualized, and were not linked to strategic organizational plans. Now, organization managers realized that in order to establish an effective and successful diversity planning it must be aligned with and provide support for strategic business objectives and operational decisions. In conclusion, workforce diversity is fundamental to any organization ability to survive the globalised economy. Organization that build experience in and reputations for managing diversity has a tendency to attract the best personnel (Carrel et al., 2000). Therefore, administration has to seriously analyse and evaluate the benefits of workforce diversity in their organization, while the management should create an atmosphere that could enhance a diverse workforce; consequently the organizations employees would be more competitive within and across organizational boundaries (Baker and Hartel, 2004) of the firm. In todays fast-paced work environment a successful organization is one where diversity is the norm and not the exception (Lawrence, 2001).

Friday, January 17, 2020

Pit and the pendulum analysis Essay

Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† takes place during the Spanish Inquisition. The morbid short story consist on an innocent man’s fears coming to life after he is sentenced to death. â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† showcases the theme of terror and cruelty by developing descriptive setting, intense plot, and creative irony. Setting is a major part of the thesis because it captures the readers attention to see what the character sees. One of the most influential setting Poe creates is when the main character is engulfed in total darkness. The quote, â€Å"the blackness of eternal night encompassed me,† help the reader fully imagine what it would be like to see absolutely nothing creating a sense of terror of not knowing what’s around. Another impactful setting was when Poe writes the pendulum scene. The pendulum quickly starts to descend swinging back and forth, all the while â€Å"ravenous† rats circle around you like p redators waiting to devour what’s left. Read Also:  Topics for an Analytical Essay The theme, cruelty, is more than clear in this setting, trapping the reader in true suspense. Further more, Poe builds a sense of suspense and suspicion with the uncertainty of the fate that is to come to the main character. â€Å"It seemed evident that mine was not, at least, the most hideous of fates.† Through out the story the character always manages a way to cheat his death. However, that doesn’t stop his torturers. With this in mind, Poe intensifies the plot by providing more nail-biting situations. For example, when the character has to choose his death. The walls are closing in on him, forcing him to either jump into the pit or get crushed to death. What could be more terrifying? The building up of the plot promotes the theme, terror, by having the main character make the ultimate decision. It is all too ironic the fact that despite all the character’s best efforts to save himself, he fails because the enemy is there to impede them. For instance, â€Å"w hen the motion of the hellish machine ceased and I beheld it drawn up, by some invisible force†¦ My every motion was undoubtedly watched. Free!- I had but escaped death in one form of agony, to be delivered unto worse†¦Ã¢â‚¬  However, when he gives up all hope at the end of the story, he is surprised to have been saved by General Lasalle. The sick recognition of irony supports themes such as terror and cruelty by showing how the character  succeeds only to fail, just to be saved in the end. In conclusion, Poe does an impeccable job at developing the themes of terror and cruelty by truly including the reader in every aspect of the story. â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum† by Edgar Allan Poe proves to be outstanding in all perspectives of settings. He always keeps the reader interested through the suspense of the plot. The irony in the story oozes out of every word. The themes are easy to pick out only because the story is so well developed.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Social Problem Or Challenge - 1442 Words

Social Problem or Challenge The client in my paper, Jessica, just got into a car accident so she wasn’t able to pay her rent in time, therefore she came into Jesse Tree. Jessica faces a couple of social problems and challenges that collectively will be touched in my paper. At the moment, the issue that Jessica is trying to overcome is getting a divorce finalized from her husband due to verbal abuse. Jessica is facing several complications that she has to deal with, such as cost and wanting to fight for full custody. Lesson Learnt from the Client What I Learnt About the Problem What I have learnt about trying to get a divorce, especially in Idaho, is that it is much harder when it doesn’t involve domestic abuse. Even though Jessica is facing verbal abuse, verbal abuse doesn’t get treated the same and isn’t seen as bad as domestic abuse in the legal system. Another point that I have learnt this divorce process and Jessica’s problem is that her husband moved out of state for a while. However, it was for only eight-months. While shadowing her case management session, I learnt that if her husband had been out of state for one year she would have automatically got full-custody of her children, however, he returned before the year was up. How the Client Describes the Problem Jessica describes her husband as useless and a bully. She said that she tried calling every paralegal to see if she could get help and get a case using verbal abuse, but she didn’t have any luck. JessicaShow MoreRelatedChallenges Do First Year Students Face at University998 Words   |  4 Pagesthat new students are going to face further challenges in university. In this case, these challenges could be the burden which can pull them out of the school without completing their studies. This essay will discuss these challenges in condition of financial, social, and academic. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Women in Combat in USA - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2306 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/08/15 Category Security Essay Level High school Tags: Women in Combat Essay Did you like this example? Women have faced discrimination in the United States for decades. Fighting for womens rights has been a struggle that some of the most important women in the U.S. have had to face. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Women in Combat in USA" essay for you Create order Discrimination in politics, labor, society and even in past wars has been a controversial issue. Women are known to have served in war since World War I, World War II and are still serving today in the United States armed forces. Women were able to serve in war as medical assistants, cooks, domestic labors, and even as mechanics, but never in combat. Despite not being allowed to fight in combat, many women found ways to to serve in combat fields and contribute to the war effort. Kate Lindsay, Director of War War One Centenary at University of Oxford, states in one of her articles that Loretta Perfectus Walsh, the first American active-duty women, became the first Navy petty officer when she was sworn in as a Chief Yeoman (Lindsay). Women like Lindsay were able to overcome the generalization that women were only able to able to serve in noncombat jobs. Many women sacrificed themselves or contributed to the war effort for their own country when their own country wouldnt let them fight. Gender roles was a major key that contributed to the way society thought of women and men. Women for example were expected to stay home, take care of household labors, and take care of the children, in contrast of men who were expected to work, and provide for their families. Gender roles have been a major aspect in the armed forces. Women were expected to cook, care for sick soldiers, and do everything a normal housewife would do but on combat grounds. Roles for women had not changed, and it wasnt until former President, Barack Obama, granted his Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, the approval to enroll women into combat grounds in March of 2015. Enrolling women meant one more step towards gender equality.   As Lindsay herself writes Engaging in combat would undermine the argument that it was not only those who fought for their nation (men) who a ri ght to the ultimate gift of citizenship and right to vote (Lindsay). Women have the right to benefits as a U.S. citizen just like men.   Women should not have to feel inferior or incapable to fulfill an infantry job just because of their gender. Women are as mentally, physically, and emotionally capable as men to fight in American front lines or any infantry positions in the military, they should be allowed to serve in any capacity for which they are qualified. Over time women have demonstrated physical preparedness. Experts decided that standards would not be lowered for women who tried to enroll in combat positions. In return women have proven to be able to live up to these standards and expectations, and have proven to endure in any physical activity they have had to the test. In the research volume, Women in the Military, researchers have collected data from people who contradict this statement, and many have said that women arent physically prepared to carry a wounded soldier out of combat or carry heavy bags in battle fields (Blacksmith 12). The solution to this possible outcome would be to train harder and have and have them physically prepare more to be able to lift more weight than the average women. In the past century women have been adapting and training. The Defense Department figures agree that women have shown that they are just as capable to serve in infantry roles just like men have (Congress Should Challenge Myths About Wo men, Combat, and the Draft). Although some readers may object that women are not physically capable of fulfilling a job, I would answer that in time of catastrophic events, or worldwide events like war, both women and men would be called for service if needed, and there wouldnt be any physical standards included (Congress Should Challenge Myths About Women, Combat, and the Draft). It is said that men are physically heavier than the average women and are generally easier to recruit, deploy, and it is also easier for them to get back in shape. As the Research group of CNN staff have found that, Among the enlisted ranks, women were most represented in the medical (30.5%) and administrative (30.1%) specialties. They made up about 17% of supply units, 14% of communications staff and 10% of electronic technicians (By the numbers: Women in the U.S. military). As these statistics show not women made a very small percentage in infantry units, Enlisted women made up 2.7%   of the militarys front-line units.(By the numbers: Women in the U.S. military). Many have already gone to Ranger School which includes some of the hardest training sites in the armed forces. Women have already been able to pass this school, when not very many men have. Captain Kristen Griest was the first female to graduate Ranger School in the Summer of August 2015 from Fort Benning, Georgia after long and grueling months in training. After her, two more female soldiers were also able to earn their Ranger Tabs out of nineteen other female soldiers (Michelle Tan). Most men who attempt to get their Ranger tabs fail at the attempt and are not even there for a whole month. Ash Carter opened all infantry and armor units to women after the three females were able to earn their Ranger Tabs. These three females were able to prove that women indeed, have the physical endurance a nd capability to endure any physical challenge. Women are not just physically, but also mentally prepared for mental trauma that they may experience. According to Wikipedia researchers, studies have shown that women are able to think and act better under pressure than men can (Women in Combat Pros and Cons). Psychological concerns worries those who opposed opening combat jobs for women. They argued that placing women into combat zones put them at risk of being captured, tortured, and possibly assaulted, but yet again so are men (Blacksmith). Many United States soldiers have been captured during war and have suffered traumatic events like these. Both men and women are at risk of experiencing any of these events. Gender doesnt signal you as a specific target. Observers have also appointed the possible outcome of pregnancy while women women are in the military. Studies have shown that most female soldiers who are in the armed forces usually stay childless, and even unmarried if they make a career out of the military. Pregnancy is als o not an excuse used to get out of the or any military branch. When women happen to get pregnant, they will stay in their unit and as the due date gets closer they go home and come back after six weeks of recovery (H.W. Wilson pg.48). Pregnancy is not an impediment for women who choose to have a family while still being in any military branch. Women are capable to take care of their children and do their job at the same time. Following up physical, and psychological concerns, social pressure has also become an issue among women who want to pursue a combat or artillery position in a military branch. According to the research article Women in Combat , eighty percent of people who completed a survey on their opinion on opening combat jobs to women, said that women should not be allowed on infantry positions (Women in Combat). Despite social pressure and opinions, women have worked to prove their their ability to take on a job that most people consider to be only for men. Feminist groups have come to their defense by saying that women should be given an equal opportunity as men. Over time, women have set up their standards to prove people wrong in their biased opinion. Women are found in everyday jobs, ones that are more suitable for men Allowing women to be in infantry units would be an additive step towards gender equality. Being in a military position should be treated like any other occupation, especially in infantry artillery. The Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states, Equal protection under the law; cannot be denied entry into the military due to sex or race because of this protective amendment (Temchenko). All people with intentions to protect the U.S. with military service in combat should be given the opportunity to do so. H.W. Wilson Studies have shown that most men join the military because of financial issues and post-service benefits, unlike women who have joined to have a sense of patriotism (Women in the Military, Pg. 44). Constitutional rights apply to both men and women. No discrimination. No gender roles. Foreign countries have allowed women to serve in combat positions. Countries such as Syria, and Afghanistan have allowed their women to serve on artillery units due to personnel shortages. The U.S. military branches have also found themselves in the same position. As generations go by every year there are less and less people who get the willing desire to serve in military branches for the U.S. Researcher of military recruitment rates stated that all-volunteer forces are severely troubled by falling retention and recruitment rates (Rob Callahan). Military branches are not in a position in which they can underestimate womens ability to serve when they are running out of military personnel. Studies have shown that women are much easier to recruit than men. Allowing women to serve, doubles the talent pool for delicate and sensitive jobs that require interpersonal skills not every soldier has. A wider personnel base would allow militaries to have the best and most diplomatic soldiers wor king to end any type of conflict quickly. Allowing a mixed gender force would also keep the military strong in any aspects. A mixed gender force would also keep the military strong in any aspects. An observer stated that without women, the military would have shortfalls they would not be able to fulfill without them. Army General Camille M. Nichols is a female soldier who spent forty years of her life working in the military. Nichols describes her journey in the military in a positive way, reflecting a sense of pride when she talks about her patriotism, I am proud to have served besides many women. I am proud to have served in combat myself. (Lisa Ferdinando). Nichols is a first-hand example that women have no barriers. She was able to experience firsthand what being discriminated was like but that never stopped her from doing what she was most passionate about. She was able to demonstrate that women shouldnt be underestimated for their ability. Her service made her one of the most respected women in the military. Womens effort to have gender equality has been going on throughout centuries. Ash Carters approval to open all military jobs to women was a step closer to gender equality. It was viewed as another victory for feminine groups. Two years after having approval, 2017 President-elect Donald Trump announced the possible ban of having women serve in infantry and artillery units in the military. Army secretary, Eric Fanning, a defender of womens rights   stated, the initiatives will be hard to stop because of societal changes, it is harder to reverse decisions about who can wear the uniform than those about who can be forced to remove it (Richard Sisk). Advocates say that it would be very hard to change or reverse the policy due to the fact that many are already serving and have showed their ability to serve in combat roles. The decision of opening all infantry jobs to women should be kept open. The Pentagon, and former president Barack Obama made the right decisions in giving the opportun ity to women to show their ability in every military job. An individual must be given the opportunity to show what they can do at the best of their abilities to prove a theory wrong or right. Female soldiers have been able to prove and show that they are more than capable of taking an all-men based job. Physical, and mental issues are not an impediment for any female soldier willing to be part of any infantry, combat, or artillery positions. Women have broken these barriers by proving anti-feminists, any biased or prejudiced opinions wrong. Female soldiers have worked to show their abilities in any high standardized physical tests. Social pressures have not stopped women from doing their jobs or pursuing any all-men based job. Many have taken negative opinions as a sense of motivation to prove their opinions wrong. Women advocates have shown their support towards them and have shown full support to keep this policy. Opening all combat jobs to women have has been another step towards gender equality, and has shown that the improvement and importance it has given to women. Gender roles should no longer be part of the twenty-first century. Modern women are no longer just entitled to work in household labors or be a stay at home mom. Barack Obama and the pentagon made the right decision to open all military jobs to women. All women should be given the opportunity to show the best of their abilities. Many women have been serving in combat since World War I and World War II without the approval of doing so. Many served in combat and contributed to the war effort without anyones approval in time of need. The stronger our military base, the better. The focus should be put into making our military branches stronger and improving it. Women who are already deployed and are at service have shown that they have the equal ability men have in military readiness. Therefore women should be given the opportunity to serve on front lines or infantry positions in the military and should be able to serve in any capacity in which they are qualified for.